“Greatly Annoyed”
“Greatly Annoyed”
Acts 4:1-4
1) When ______ proclaims Jesus’ ____________ from the ____, they were very _______.
Acts 4:1
2) The Captain of the Temple is ___________ to keep _____ in the _______ and this big loud ______ is a problem.
Acts 4:2
3) Everyone who ever ___ or ____ be, will ______ forever.
I Corinthians 15:16-22
Acts 4:3
4) They get _______ for healing a man born ____. He can ____ and everyone is ________ and they put them in jail.
Isaiah 5:20
5) It’s ____ in the day so Peter and John are to be ____ until the ____ day to be taken to the _________.
6) When our ____ is _________ God will call us ____. Until then we have ____ to do.
Acts 4:4
7) It takes a person with ___ faith to ________ the __________ of wealth, _____ and popularity.